Road to Clutch - Episode 1

Road to Clutch - Episode 1

Let's quickly introduce my golfing world and bring you up to speed with how I get to this goal.

It's an age-old story that many of us can relate to. I picked up a golf club for the first time and hit 130+ shots around 18 holes, two of which were so perfect in my mind's eye that I now spend the foreseeable future, until I am too old to swing, looking for a full round of perfect "in my mind's eye" golf shots.

I started golfing in Manchester as a teenager. Since then, I have started and stopped playing a couple of times. I was a member of a club near Southampton until I found my very patient fiancé, and a then house and family came into play. I picked the bag back up around January of this year, 2024.

At my original club, I met a coach who has worked with me ever since. I found him working at my new club, which is Boundary Lakes at the Ageas Bowl cricket ground and was excited to get back into lessons and paying again.

One of his first questions was, "What's your goal with your golf? Don't give me a BS answer like, 'I want to play well in medals.' We need a proper goal."
My original answer was, "What does it take to qualify for The Open?".
Needless to say, he told me to crawl before running, and this is where we came up with The Clutch Tour.

To summarize, my ultimate goal is to reduce my handicap to a level where I can play in a Clutch Tour event as an amateur open player and be competitive. I also want to avoid coming in last, before I turn 40.

Fast forward to now.

As mentioned, I am a 37-year-old living in Southampton. I am good friends with the guys at FLYR and when I learned about the brand, I offered my constructive input. As a result, we have this little blog.

My iGolf handicap is currently 13.4, and I am working hard to lower it. Like many others, I have a child, a mortgage, a Monday to Friday job and an upcoming wedding. Despite these commitments, I still find time to practice, play, and take lessons.

In my next blog, I will discuss the lessons, feelings, and techniques I have learned about swinging a club. My coach has been instrumental in helping me improve my ball striking, and I am grateful for his guidance.

I hope you enjoyed this brief introduction, and I look forward to sharing more with you soon.

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